Wednesday 17 August 2011

Another Superfabulous Tuesday!


It certainly had its merits, and Tuesday's always better than Monday isn't it?!

Today's a good day, in fact it's been a good few days - in recognition of that fact I feel it's time to play this...........

I also had a rather entertaining conversation with Boss today, it went a little like this..............

Boss - (trying to come up with possible transport solutions should we be relocated elsewhere) "……….and there's always self-helps groups, I mean car share schemes……."

Me - (interupting) "Boss, did you just suggest that I seek a self-help group?!"

Boss - "Heidi, the group hasn't been invented yet that could help you and that's not a group, that's a stadium crowd!"

I got my own back though by singing  'I feel pretty' (yep, from 'West Side Story' although I have to admit I was thinking more along the lines of 'Anger Management' ) down the phone at him in the hope that (as has previously been the case) it'd stick and at some point in the afternoon he'd end up singing it at his desk ;-)


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