Monday 19 December 2011

Crazy Busy Saturday!

Ok, in theory this should be a crazy busy Saturday being the Saturday before Christmas but it really wasn't!

I'd managed to have all the shopping done, wrapped, ribboned, gift tagged and under the tree by Wednesday night which meant I could just relax and enjoy the weekend prior to returning to work (for a few hours a day) next week.

I did wander in to town to meet a friend for coffee (which turned into several glasses of wine!) and I can report that town was certainly crazy busy - thank God for online shopping!  It got less busy when the town centre lost all power later in the afternoon and the shops had to shut, thankfully the pub stayed open so we drank by candlelight and provided entertainment by singing Christmas songs - it was a fabulous afternoon!

The usual crew were out on Saturday night for a meal to celebrate Kevin's birthday (21 again!) but the craziness was held fairly well in check ;-)


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