Ok, so for this one I bought a pack of whistles - I know, I know, they don't look ANYTHING like whistles, but trust me, they are!
Well done to Cathryn and Linda who were the only two to take me up on the offer of a whistle (they took the two pink ones)!
The only other thing I could think of for Whistling Day was the story of a distant relative of my mums (second cousin I think). Dottie Wayne - British actress and entertainer, star of variety, stage and TV, sometimes billed as "The Whistling Wonder" , still performing in pantomime after 50 years in show business. I've never had any contact with her so can only go on what Auntie Betty has told me (and a cutting from a paper listing Leslie Crowther and Ronnie Corbett as guests at her wedding) but from what I've found out on the internet people still remember her whistling act on variety performances and she was also billed as appearing in the Sunday Night Variety at the Spa Theatre, Scarborough, in 2006.
And of course.................no Whistling Day would be complete without this!
Funny, I don't remember Snow White's voice being quite so annoying when I was a child (you'll be pleased to see I've kept the clip mercifully brief!).
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