Monday 10 January 2011

Pootle About Day

Yesterday (Sunday 9th Jan) was Pootle About Day!

Verb: pootle poo-t(u)l
Usage: Brit

1.Move in a leisurely unhurried way
"I don't often get the chance to pootle around country lanes on a Sunday morning"

Derived forms: pootled, pootling, pootles
Encyclopedia: Pootle

Pootle was also the youngest member of the Flump family.  He often got things confused and he sometimes wore a white hat (both of which can also be said about me).

Pootling about does generally make me think of outdoor pootling but, as I didn't want to get out of my pj's, it was a day of pootling about indoors, getting ready to go back to work (my first day back since the Christmas hols).  Can you pootle on the sofa?  I hope so cos that's where I spent the rest of the day, watching films and trying to escape from reality for a few more hours.  Then, for a bit of variety, I toddled off to bed.


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