Saturday 4 January 2014

Ssssshhhhh...(January Mission)


The only excuse I have for my protacted absence is that I've been far too busy having a life to find the time to write about it!

But, having been bought the latest diary (Becoming Ruler of the Universe (and other plans for 2014)) for Christmas, I thought I'd have another go and, instead of trying to post several times a week, aim at a more realistic and manageable once a week or so (but I'm not making any promises you understand - I don't do the 'P' word!).

I thought I'd quietly sneak back in, kind of like I've never been gone, and I was toying with the idea of doing a bit of a recap of the last few months but have decided that

a) I can't be bothered and
b) as future ruler of the universe, I don't have to!

So, I'll just go straight into the overall mission for January shall I?

Stop worrying and START DOING, laugh in the face of what-ifs and if-onlys and venture into the why-nots of my true destiny. Know that most of the things we fear never come to pass, in fact, my mission is to fear only fear be a YES person...a LET'S DO IT person...the bestest possible person a person can be.
This January: Go forth and be fearless!

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