Tuesday 2 April 2013

March Lucky Mantra - the results

Oh. Dear.

So much for the March Lucky Mantra!

Due to circumstances waaaay beyond my control it most definitely has not been a month of tantalizingly slighty-warmer-but-too-soon-for-shorts weather and as a result I have not been getting ready for leaping, bouncing and general springyness!

I haven't been lucky all month, I've been ill all month (although I suppose it's lucky that I've found the patch of black mold behind my bed which may well account for my month of illness!). I did dance (Olive's Ceilidh) but I wouldn't say with Serendipity - grace and co-ordination were also sadly absent.  I have dined once, way back at the beginning of the month but it's fast becoming a distant memory (along with the act of chewing) and it wasn't with Good Fortune.

It's difficult to inject colour when you feel slightly paler than death warmed up and, as for impossibly fashionable shoes...I don't think snow boots count!

March, however, was a mountaintop of a month - a mountain of snow (and snot).

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