Saturday 18 December 2010

Snuggle Up Day!

Today is Snuggle Up Day!

According to most definitions the act of snuggling requires two people - well, I think I've managed to make an art form out of the singular snuggle!

After a very late night last night I stayed snuggled in bed until 11.30 this morning, then moved the snuggling downstairs to the sofa for the next few hours while I finished Jodi Picoult's Keeping Faith.

I made a pavlova this afternoon, it's still in the oven cooling down so I have no idea how it's turned out but folding all the ingredients in to create the lovely smooth pearlescent mixture also made me feel all snuggly!

Then I trimmed Rosie and Jim's claws - which made none of us feel particularly snuggly!

I'm going to snuggle in the bath now for about an hour or so with a G&T and the latest Kate Mosse book then I think it'll be back to the sofa for more snuggling with the latest episode of The Event before moving the snuggling back upstairs for an early night!

Up early tomorrow to spend the day (Day Dreaming Day) with Auntie Betty trying to avoid bringing anymore of her crap back to add to my crap :-) (at least until my ceiling's fixed and everything's back where it's supposed to be!)


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