Wednesday 8 September 2010

Another Wonderful Wednesday!

Today (8th September) is Another Wonderful Wednesday!

Ok, ok, I'm all out of sequence, the next postings will be about Happy Sunday (5th September) and Wink at a Stranger Day (6th September). I'm just far too busy doing nice-be-good-to-yourself-don't-be-too-hard-on-yourself things to finish the long write up about Sunday and the (very) brief write up about Monday - I'll get around to it, promise!

Anyway I wanted to test my link to Twitter today which is why today is being written about today!

I don't know what went wrong today but it's not been the Wonderful Wednesday I was hoping for - it got to the stage where the bunny ears had to come out (as seen modelled by Robocat) which is always a sure sign to all in the office that things are not fine and dandy at Planet Orange (I have no idea why wearing the bunny ears makes it all seem better but it does - maybe something to do with catching sight of myself in the mirror/glass and laughing?). Still, it's only tea time and I'm planning to order takeaway and watch telly (a very rare occurance for me) all night so it's sliding up the wonderful scale in leaps and bounds!

Oooh, oooh, oooh, and, something that makes me feel wonderful whenever I think about it - the lovely people at Really Good have sent me a copy of next year's diary! I'm going to be very busy next year!


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