I was supposed to be, come rain or shine or snow, the happiest person I know this month - FAIL.
Thinking about it though no-one else has been particularly happy this month either and there
have been some great highlights and moments of merriness so, maybe, I actually have been the happiest person I know albeit more as a result of good luck than good management.
I was supposed to be cosy and make the most of snuggling when it's freezing outside - RESULT.

and arm warmers, my sofa hat (same principle as scarf) and my sofa duvet!
I was supposed to embrace comfort food and the sofa - RESULT.
In fact I literally didn't move from the sofa and the duvet on it (apart from bathroom breaks) for a good proportion of January and while I was there my food choices were pretty much based solely on the level of comfort they could provide!
I was supposed to do everything briskly and with a smile on my face and also do cheeky winks at people a lot - FAIL.
I didn't really do a lot at all so struggled to do anything briskly - and I didn't see many people to be able to wink at them.
Will attempt some cheeky winking in February...when I'm not pretending to be a ghost or arrange a hit...
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