Ok, so, I got up early so I could get to work early to 'put my face on' - then had to sit around waiting for my ipod to charge enough to get me to work (must have left it playing when I got home last night - d'oh!) because I absolutely cannot walk without my ipod. So, I got to work at the normal time, showered etc, got to the office and promptly disappeared for 15 minutes (don't worry - I wasn't on the clock!).
As there were a number of important looking visitors on site today I avoided the Adam Ant look and went for something a bit more subtle (Subtle being my middle name, along with Houston and Confusion). I started to wonder whether I'd been too subtle when Ray failed to notice anything different (which also makes me question how I usually appear to my colleagues?!)! I decided to just concentrate on the eyes today, a word of advice, if you want to stick anything (like sparkly sequin type things) on your face avoid using nail varnish to do so if at all possible - it burns!

I kept this photo in because I call it my Godzilla look (as soon as I saw it I pictured the promo photo for the film!)!

It's amazing how many people were obviously disturbed and distracted by the bizarre eye make up during conversations with me, but they didn't comment at all (seriously, do I come across as someone who would do this for any reason other than fun?).

Thank you to Denis who kindly offered to be my 'dolly' and let me loose on his face with my 'paints' - I'm sure when he made the offer it had slipped his mind that he wouldn't actually be on site today!

I had a moment of mild panic when I set off walking home and it started raining, but isn't that what sunglasses are for?? Walking in the rain with my sunglasses on (and no coat!) seemed marginally less loony than walking in the rain with 12 different colours (13 including the mascara) running down my face! I passed a chap walking his dog on the way, so he's looking at me thinking 'crazy freak' and I'm looking back at him (obviously he can't see this - I'm wearing sunglasses) thinking 'you have nnnoooooo idea.'
Hello. I’ve been going through all your most recent posts, wondering whether it might be a good idea to leave a comment on every one of them. I realised fairly quickly, however, that this would simply make me appear rather creepy and stalkery and borderline mentally deficient. So I’m going to bundle everything into this comment, instead, which should simply make me appear rambling and out of control. Phew.
In fact, I’ll use The Numbered List Techhnique, which might keep things under a semblance of control. Good idea.
So, from the bottom up....
1. “Suffice to say wilds were abandoned.” I like this turn of phrase, Heidi, and may steal it and pass it off as my own. And by “may”, of course, I mean “will”.
2. There is something faintly (if agreeably) sleazy about Vinnie the Panda, no? I mean, it doesn’t take an immense stretch of the imagination to picture Vinnie using excruciating chat-up lines on women in red cocktail dresses. I accept, however, that to stretch one’s imagination in this way is hardly healthy or morally advisable.
3. I’m impressed that you managed to get people to pose, rather surreally, with biscuits. Eating Biscuits Day, from where I’m slouching, seems to have been a sensation. (I’m easily pleased, however, so don’t be getting big-headed just yet.)
4. I’m also easily confused. Is Keith your (partial, half or otherwise) brother or not? I puzzled over this for too long. I decided that he wasn’t, that you were just being clever and funny with words, but then I decided that I couldn’t be sure at all and that I should probably seek clarification.
5. I was shocked and afraid when I read that you’d been accused of cheating for watching Grey’s Anatomy. Those are some brutal terms you’re operating under. I have a sneaking admiration, of course, for whoever it was that called you to account – such a draconian response, chilling, exciting, my heart beats faster – but I must urge you to tread with caution. This sounds like someone you don’t want to get on the wrong side of.
6. I really liked the hairstyles, obviously, but I especially liked the one at the end – the “crimped” look when you removed all of the, well, things. (I don’t have a terrific vocabularly when it comes to women’s hairstyles, tragically.)
7. The amount of stuff you achieved on Do Nothing Day has forced me to re-assess my very existence. If that’s doing nothing, Heidi, then I’m utterly doomed. Your day sounded exhausting, as far as I’m concerned.
8. And then you went and added to my gathering sense of inadequacy by completing a disturbingly long walk in aid of Saint Michael’s in the middle of the night. (Well done, though, I’m impressed.)
I’m sure I should stop right there, because I’ve already gone on too much. This rambling is really just a glorified way of saying “hello, how are you doing?”, anyway. Besides, my vocabulary when it comes to make-up is even more limited than my hairstyles vocabulary. Things would just get messy, frankly.
I'm going to heed your advice not to stick sparkly things to my face using nail varnish, however, and must thank you in advance for sparing me some rather nasty injuries. Is it okay to stick sparkly things to the faces of other people using nail varnish, though? I have this neighbour, see, and.....well, never mind. (Wait. Maybe I'm getting nail varnish and nail guns mixed up in my head. Silly silly.)
No, really, I'm shutting up now. I hope you're having a lovely day.
Kind regards etc....
So, by way of saying 'Hello, how are you doing?' back......................................
hahaha, strangely I've always been quite taken with the idea of having a stalker!
1. Feel free, would be grateful to know when and how you use it though!
2. My imagination's been stretched further and survived (although I suppose that's a matter of opinion), but yes, Vinnie definitely has the sleaze factor!
3. Yeah, I've found that bribery tends to work - and people can be so easily bought!
4. A very long night journey to Milton Keynes (have you ever been? If not, don't!) with Keith led us to the realisation that we'd lived almost mirror image lives (albeit 25 years apart), he's my brother in spirit!
5. I like a challenge, the harder the rules the more I like it! But don't worry, I know the ropes, being on the wrong side of this person has its benefits.
6. Glad you appreciated my efforts, I'd offer to educate you but, sadly, my own experience is pretty much limited to 'stuff', 'type' and 'things'! My usual hair routine (not that there's any reason you'd possibly want to know this) is wash, brush and leave to dry!
7. The original Do Nothing Day was the day I moved (house) so this was an improvement - I suppose I could have foregone the showering and dressing to limit my activity further. I have been known to walk to the pinewoods ridiculously early on a Sunday (9am - yes, that's right - there is a 9am on a Sunday, shocking I know) in my pj's!
8. Why thank you!
Glad to hear you're taking my advice, I can now go on with the rest of my life safe in the knowledge that I've 'done my bit'! Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to stick sparkly things to the faces of others using nail varnish, not so sure about nail guns but I say go for it - what's the worst that could happen??
I was having a very lovely day, in general, yesterday - I threw in a bit of incensed, giddy, and melancholy just for a bit of variety though. Today I thought I'd alternate between lovely, productive, and cringe-worthy, but, all things considered - Hello, I'm doing just peachy!
Right, I'm going to get off now, I need to find out what blew my friend's mind last night!
Have a splendid time of it!
H ;-)
Heidi, Heidi, Heidi, hello.
I’m just nipping in here to quickly say that – “hello” – and to say that I’ll be back shortly to respond properly. I’m off tomorrow to visit my sister in Spain, however, and won’t be back till after the weekend.
I’ve been really ill, by the way. No, please, I mean really ill, coughing and wheezing like, well, like something coughy and wheezy. I imagine you will have been on your knees wailing and praying for my recovery – and I can only thank you for this highly effective display of compassion. I knew I could rely on you. (Don’t spoil things, okay, by telling me otherwise. I need the boost.)
Enough already. I hope you have a lovely week. See you soon.
Kind regards etc...
Well that's a refreshing change from Heidi Hi (Ho De Ho!)!
See, I just knew something wasn't right, I'm so relieved I can get up off my knees and resume normal activity now that you're feeling a bit better (I'm assuming you're not fully recovered and that the symptoms will no doubt linger for weeks being as close to death's door as you obviously were!).
I have the week off work (although following the news yesterday it appears that this may yet turn into a permanent condition!) so am having a grand time in the spare room - thankfully it has a velux window so I can partake in a spot of cloud gazing (Gaze at Clouds Day today)!
Have a wonderful time in Spain, I'll somehow manage to hang on in anticipation of your full repsonse on your return!
Oh good grief. Was it really so long ago I was last here? A tragedy - and none of it is my fault, okay? Just so long as we're clear on that. Phew.
Anyway, yes, sorry about that. I've been slightly - what's the word? - distracted, perhaps, by....well, stuff. It happens. And now, of course, I have to go through the whole procedure of catching up with all of your blog again. Poor little me, so unfair on my tiny (attractive) head.
I'll respond here first, though, before moving on up to your future. I must come back tomorrow to do so, however, as I just wanted to quickly say "hello". If I'm not back tomorrow - which I will be - you can shoot me quite roughly with a gun. Fair enough? Good.
I hope you've been having a splendid time of it in my absence (although naturally, of course, I struggle to see how this would actually be technically possible).
Toot toot. Back in tick.
Kind regards etc....
Well hello, how bizarre, I was just having a look through the blog and it occured to me that I hadn't heard from you for a while then I leave the blog to check my emails and there you are!
Ooops, sorry, obviously what I meant to say was that I've been obsessively checking for word from you every day and becoming increasingly worried for your welfare - is that better?!
Good of you to drop by old boy, I'm currently afflicted with The Shingles (in my knee - seriously!) so have unfortunately been unable to partake in the joys of several days including Making Waves Wednesday and Feed the Ducks Day.
I'll look forward to your comments on my future and will now go and work on my rough shooting technique - just in case!
H ;0)
Put the gun down, okay, I’m back. I just got a little held up. How are you doing (apart from having the shingles, obviously - nasty)? Did you have a nice end to the summer? I’m sure I’ll find out as I make my way through the blog posts I’ve missed, right enough, but I felt it might be an idea to distract you with some questions, lest you’ve still got your hands on the trigger.
Right so. I just need to quickly wheech through some of these and then start the process of catching up with your blog. I’ll try not to dally here too long, then, because I imagine I’ll be saying hello somewhere else pretty soon. Again, please, I must ask that you try to maintain a level of decorum, Heidi, and try not to let your excitements get the better of you. It’ll be hard – I understand this – but do please try your best not to dribble with glee when you imagine me saying hello in another post.
Hmm. I can’t say that I’ve ever been to Milton Keynes. Well, I could say that I’d been, actually, but this would be a lie. You know how sometimes even the names of places make them sound grim? Well, I’ve always imagined that Milton Keynes must be a terribly grim place. I may be wrong, of course, but I’m not. I slightly dread why you may have been making a long overnight journey there with your brother in spirit, Keith. Between the pair of you, no one thought to say “stop”? Spooky. (Nice, though, to have a brother in spirit – the rare serious point.)
Your usual hair routine is “wash, brush and leave to dry”? We’re almost hair-routine twins, surely, although my routine is ever so slightly shorter: leave. We must exchange tips and do as girls do and…….wait. I’m sure I didn’t just call myself a girl there.
Oh, yes, I would make a terrific stalker, by the way. It’s just that I tend to move slowly. I would need my prey – you, in this instance – not to make any sudden movements. In fact, you may have to stay still at all times. Apart from that, I’m your man.
Thank you for falling to your knees so diligently and praying – wailing – for my return to full health. It was touch and go there, I’ll tell you that for free, and I’m just relieved – as we all are – that I’m back to “normal” again.
You maybe don’t feel so well yourself, however? You go to the woods in your pyjamas? But. Hmm. No, but….I don’t know. You can’t. That’s just a short step away from going to the shops with a cat in a basket, for pity’s sake. In fact, you may even be beyond the cat in a basket stage already. Have you spoken to someone about this, Heidi? Unless it's to a professional, okay, never mention this thing to anyone.
And now, I suppose, it must be my turn to fall to my knees and pray for your return to health. How long do the shingles generally hang around for? Is there an end in sight? (Excuse my ignorance, please.) I thought - and this , quite clearly, will see you smack me around the head as I pray - that these things maybe only afflicted the elderly. Are you maybe in your late seventies, Heidi, and somehow forgot to mention the fact?
Okay, I must be quiet and head on up through your blog. Sorry for taking such an age to get back to you - no, really. I always (always) get back in the end, it's just that sometimes it takes longer than I would have hoped. Wipe away your tears (and put down the gun), I'm here now.
Kind regards etc....
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