Old school day - the theme this year was old school photos - and there's some really bad ones coming up...
Ok, so these obviously aren't school ones (I can only assume they were the type you get in Supermarket foyers sometimes) but when I cam across them I just couldn't resist including them!

Ok, so these obviously aren't school ones (I can only assume they were the type you get in Supermarket foyers sometimes) but when I cam across them I just couldn't resist including them!

And now the school ones start with some class photos from Coppice Valley!
And then the nativity play - I seem to be the only child who doesn't have a t-shirt on their head, I clearly absolutley refused! I do remember that I loved that nightie though!
I think Bernie made an awesome Innkeepers wife hahaha!
Haha, the one where I snuck into the garage before school and cut a triangle out of my fringe on school photo day - my mum went mental!
Ah, Stabeck school when they hosted the junior chess championships and I was selected to be photographed with the Mayor!
(I was also really pleased when someone at work mentioned that paint is the old school screen share - on Old School Day!)
Break the rules day - While Mine Truly was playing pool in the league game on Monday night I thought about breaking rules. I'm a flukey hit-em-and-hope kind of gal (and I do know how to rack up along with the absolute basics) but other than that I'm shaky on things like;
- The Rules
- Strategy
- Skill
In fact, just thinking about playing wound me up here...
Crazy hair day - need I say more...