I did wonder whether they could be combined and I could start a trend with the experimental cooking but I think this experimental cooking is highly unlikely to catch on and become a trend.
Whilst nowhere near as bad as the Jelly year it was certainly nowhere near as good as the Batter year and I don't think it can really be considered a resounding success in any way!
So, this year encompassed 2 challenges - poaching eggs and then in addition dipping bizarre things in them (not bizarre in their own right, just bizarre to dip in eggs).
I don't like poached eggs. If I'm eating egg it has to be cooked, I don't mind runny yolk at all but if there's any white 'snot' in sight it's likely to result in the full engagement of my gag reflex (and turning a shade of green), and I've never been served a poached egg that hasn't been snotty!
After Webby was less than complimentary about my suggestion that those silicone egg poacher things might work it seemed a challenge was set for this year, so Webby's traditional pan method (not whisked) went up against my silicone method and was expanded to include a microwave egg poacher (my idea) and also John's traditional pan method (whisked).
And here are the things to dip...
- Carrot
- Chipsticks
- Chocolate fingers
- Liquorice
- Crab sticks
- Pink wafers
- Mini milk ice creams
and my microwave ones resembled McDonalds eggs from McMuffins - and you couldn't dip anything in them - FAIL!
John and Webby's however...no snot in sight and perfectly cooked with runny yolk (although John's did look like a small squid).
Chipsticks - 3 votes 'nice', I think the saltiness of the sticks helped a lot
Chocolate fingers - 1 vote 'alright' (Webby), 1 vote 'strangely inoffensive' (John), 1 vote 'rank' (me)
Liquorice - 3 votes 'disgusting', although in fairness I'm the only one who likes liquorice
Crab stick - 2 votes 'so-so' (John and I), 1 vote 'disgusting' (Webby)
Pink wafer - 1 vote 'alright' (John), 1 vote 'no' (Webby), 1 vote 'wrong' (me)
Mini milk ice cream - unanimously voted retch-tastic
The End