Saturday, 31 December 2011

Practice Pavlova Day!

Starting to feel a little better so took it a little easier today (I know, that sounds totally backwards!).

The main event of today was a practice run of the pavlova base for Saturday nights traditional New Years Eve pavlova!  When I woke up I realised that it's a good job I'd planned to do this if only to make sure the oven is used (before I bake the real base on Saturday morning) after I cleaned it on Monday!

Also weeded through my books and dvds so that's another thing crossed off my list - why is it though that every time I cross something off I find something else to replace it with?!


Friday, 30 December 2011

Can't Eat Much More Wednesday!

Well, I was hoping to take the opportunity for a Morrisons big breakfast and then maybe some nibbles at the cinema later just to disprove this day!

Instead I managed toast and pate with scambled eggs for lunch (after walking to Harlow Carr to exchange gloves, sorting through my bedroom (one pedal bin liner full of rubbish to throw out) and hoovering everywhere - including the outer hallway stairs after my rubbish bag split this morning and deposited soil all over the stairs whilst I was putting the rubbish out!)

Some pringles and chocolates in the afternoon whilst watching telly on the sofa and then a big bowl of chilli from the wok full that I made means I still managed to disprove it - although, in fairness, I now probably couldn't eat much more!


Thursday, 29 December 2011

Tidy Up Tuesday!

Today is brought to you by the power of Beechams (thank you Bernie) and paracetamol.

Waking up full of cold couldn't stop me today!

I'm determined to have a really good clear out (yes, another) of the flat before I go back to work late next week so I was in the kitchen at 8am sharp - by lunchtime I'd been through all drawers and cupboards (1 bin bag filled) and sorted them.

A quick catch up with Kevin (and a Downton review) and a not so quick conversation with Betty prior to a turkey sandwich lunch and moving on to the lounge (half a bin bag).  All coats, bags, scarfs etc sorted through in the hallway before making a Mediterranean themed pizza for tea and settling down to Great Expectations.

A productive day - which probably means I'm just about ready for the inevitable downward spiral into procrastination!


Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Getting Stuffed Sunday!

I've said it before and I'll say it just can't beat Christmas dinner by Pops!

After opening about 3/4 of the fabulous pressies (with the aid of sherry and bucks fizz) we took a break and had our beautiful Christmas dinner (during serving an extra portion was dished out for my 'meals on wheels' Boxing Day meal).  The turkey sandwiches (with masses and masses of mustard!) and Christmas cake later in the evening went down a treat too although I managed to make the cheese last even longer than usual as I was actually pretty stuffed!  I have to say that Pops also makes a wicked Black Russian!

Due to a duplication of gifts Bernie and I ended up with matching pj's (thanks John!) - Bernie actually allowed this to be photographed but refused publication of her image so the photos below are of us sat on the sofa together in our matching pj's (which took us right back to our childhood of matching.......everything!) - obviously I've cropped them to avoid Bernie's inclusion in the photo, this has made me look like I have a deformed left arm (it's Bernie's hand not mine) and an extra leg (one knee is Bernie's too!)!


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christmas Eve!

I had the Coca Cola advert music (holidays are coming!) stuck in my head today!

En route to Pops and Olive today for a fabulous family Christmas, I'm looking forward to sleeping on the airbed in front of the real fire with the tree lights on (as long as it's warm - it was freezing the other year!)!

Olive made a beautiful lamb dinner (Pops had pre-mashed the potatoes though before he went to work :-) and I won Game of Life (if only I could get it right in reality!).  Despite the fact that when Pops got home we all stayed up til past midnight we weren't allowed to open any presents!  And then I was left to sleep surrounded by them - it's like some form of torture!


Monday, 26 December 2011

Christmas Eve Eve!

A very productive day - so productive in fact that when Bernie popped round at lunchtime I already had all the stuff out ready for brunch tomorrow!

Still, as I was spending the evening with Kevin and Ken, I knew it'd be a good idea to get as much prepared in advance for the next day as possible - I needed to be up, showered, packed, brunched and nails touched up by noon!

Had a fabulous time with Kevin and Ken, festive fish and chip supper (I'd worked out that I hadn't had fish and chips since my birthday last year but then remembered that I'd had them in hospital - not the same as proper take out fish and chips though so it doesn't count!), red wine and whiskey (the whiskey came later, not at the same time as the wine!), Christmas music, The Royale Family, fireworks across the stray and long distance communication with Ray made for another thoroughly enjoyable evening :-)


Saturday, 24 December 2011

Look on the Bright Side Day ll

Another one where I don't remember the first one!

Still, on the bright side, I don't have something wrong with my brain (allegedly), I still have a job (for now) and I have a roof over my head (with only a slight leak)!

Happy days ;-)

I enjoyed thoroughly entertaining company and conversation with Kevin over lunch (and until teatime) including a lively debate (unresolved) about the monarchy (hello Kevin!) at Hales Bar (I highly recommend the steak pie!)!

An evening viewing of Joyeux Noel with a few slivers of cheese and some Tia Maria rounded off the day perfectly :-)  The dark side cannot tempt me today!


Friday, 23 December 2011

Last Day at Work Day!


First day Monday, last day Wednesday, back on 5th January!

Woo hoo!

I celebrated with some feel good films (Legend of Bagger Vance and Invincible) and an early night - hardcore!

Totally forgot to put these in an earlier post - Rosie looking festive!


Thursday, 22 December 2011

First Physio and Festive Frolics!

It's a week of firsts (and festivities) this week!

Had my first physio, it turns out that I walk in a very peculiar way - oh, I was also taught how to get out of bed properly!  Anyway, was given the first set of exercises to do (all designed to do in bed to help with getting out of bed) so we'll see how that goes then!

Met with Elaine and Debbie for our pre-Christmas food and drinks - was very good and was only persuaded to stay out an extra hour (until 10), rock and roll!  Is it wrong that I was kind of wishing for another power cut?!


Wednesday, 21 December 2011

First Day Back at Work Day!


After just 2.5 hours I have to admit that I was tired and I was ready to go home! 

Stuck it out for about 4 hours though and then called into the sauna for a 15 minute session before heading back home.   Despite the fact that I'd called in a couple of times last week it did feel a little weird at times but at least it was also a good opportunity to get the Halloween stuff put away and the office tidied up - which was also just the excuse I needed to stand up and move about every so often!

Also managed to clear all the junk emails and get the rest organised into folders so I can try and figure what's relevant and what's not when I go back in on Wednesday...............then that's it for the holidays!


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

Crazy Busy Saturday!

Ok, in theory this should be a crazy busy Saturday being the Saturday before Christmas but it really wasn't!

I'd managed to have all the shopping done, wrapped, ribboned, gift tagged and under the tree by Wednesday night which meant I could just relax and enjoy the weekend prior to returning to work (for a few hours a day) next week.

I did wander in to town to meet a friend for coffee (which turned into several glasses of wine!) and I can report that town was certainly crazy busy - thank God for online shopping!  It got less busy when the town centre lost all power later in the afternoon and the shops had to shut, thankfully the pub stayed open so we drank by candlelight and provided entertainment by singing Christmas songs - it was a fabulous afternoon!

The usual crew were out on Saturday night for a meal to celebrate Kevin's birthday (21 again!) but the craziness was held fairly well in check ;-)


Saturday, 17 December 2011

Compose a Christmas No. 1

I'm sorry - I'm going to use this one as another excuse to play my favourite.....................

I have to admit that I cheated on this one - I decided to make the most of the creative genius in the office when I called in for a couple of hours!  I passed around a piece of paper and asked everyone to write a line then fold the paper over so that the next person couldn't see the previous lines.

The result was interesting - not sure about it's potential No.1 status though ;-)

Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the new born king
Sleep in heavenly peace
It comes only once a year
My beard is black, there's soot in my sack
Think of all the guys I haven't kissed
You're an old slut on junk
And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time
Fairy on top of the Christmas tree looking down just to see
It was Christmas eve babe, in the drunk tank

The boys of the NYPD choir were singing Galway Bay
Do they know it's Christmas time?
Wish I was at home for Christmas
Baby it's cold outside
Achoo, achoo, achoo
The bells ring out at Christmas time
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Friday, 16 December 2011

Like Sprouts (but love parsnips more)!

Oddly enough as a child I used to love sprouts and hate parsnips!

Nowadays I like sprouts (at Christmas) and love parsnips, unfortunately there were no parsnips on the menu today :-(  I popped in to work again to join the team for the on site Christmas lunch prior to another trip to the doctors.

It was actually good, but you just can't beat Christmas dinner by Pops (with perfect parsnips!)!

As we're talking food it seems like the perfect opportunity to share my Christmas cake recipe with you again!


* 2 cups flour
* 1 stick butter
* 1 cup of water
* 1 tsp baking soda
* 1 cup of sugar
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 cup of brown sugar
* Lemon juice
* 4 large eggs
* Nuts
* 2 bottles wine
* 2 cups of dried fruit

Sample the wine to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the wine again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the wine is still OK. Try another cup... Just in case. Turn off the Mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit up off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the wine to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the wine. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or some fink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the wine and wipe counter with the cat.

Go to supermarket and buy cake.

Bingle Jells


Thursday, 15 December 2011

Believe in Santa!

I Believe! (and now it must be time to watch one of my favourite Christmas films - Miracle on 34th Street!)

Everyday!  I don't need a special day to do this one!

I'm sure you all already know this but................Santa Claus used to be portayed in a green and white outfit until red and white became more popular after its introduction by Coca Cola in the 1930's.  The power of advertisement!

A few years ago I used to go on an annual winter break to the Scottish Highlands, a highlight of the trip was always a visit to see the Cairngorm Reindeer Herd (and also (especially) the sled dogs at the Cairngorm Sledding Centre!)!


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Pamper Yourself Day III

I don't remember day I or day II but I'm sure they happened at some point!

Nadine was here so we did  a couple of face packs and I painted my nails (after cutting them down from talons to a more acceptable length!) and that's as far as it went (I suppose you can also include the pizza and wine as pampering!)


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Secret Santa Day!

I took a little trip to work today to participate in the Secret Santa present opening (where I was very excited to see the reaction of my recipient to the gift I'd given them - I can't tell you cos then everyone would know who it was from!)!

I also loved my own secret Santa gift - someone has bought me a book, Seriously Silly Things To Do!  This would have been perfect for me at any time but, as there doesn't seem to be a diary for next year, it'll be perfect to come up with some ideas for fun 'days' next year!
Happy days!


Monday, 12 December 2011

Generosity Day!

Is this different to Be Generous (last Tuesday)?

Anyway, I was as generous as I could afford to be at the St Michael's Hospice tree light switch on event this afternoon., another beautiful, emotional gathering :-)

It's funny, I almost didn't go as it's difficult to go places on your own - a bit like going to the cinema really, but I haven't missed one yet and I was determined not to wuss out of this one!  I'm so glad I went in the end as I bumped into the mum of a good friend who I lost touch with about 10 years ago, I now have his number and will be contacting him tomorrow - watch out Mr Ingledew, you can run but you can't hide!!


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Fall Out with Your Waistline

I can't remember the last time I was friends with my waistline!

Here's a great Ode to Christmas which is perfect for this day.........................

T'was the week after Christmas and all through the house
nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cream cakes I'd nibbled, with Thornton's to taste
at the family parties ballooned round my waist.
When I stood on the scales I went white at the lips
for each little mouthful had sunk to my hips.
I remembered the feasting ,with hardly a lull,
And I never once muttered, No thank you I'm full.
In a baggy old top thought, "it's never too late"
Prepared once again to do battle with weight.
So away with the last of the double cream dips
goodbye to the fruit cake , no chocolate no chips
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Till every additional spare tyre has vanished
I won't have a sweetie not even a lick
I'm determined to chew on a celery stick
I won't have fried breakfasts or cheesecake or pie
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I'm hungry and lonesome and life is a bore
but isn't that what January is for?
Unable to giggle no longer a riot
Happy Christmas to all , good luck with your diet!


Saturday, 10 December 2011

Getting All Excited Friday!

Sadly the most excitement I had today was at the thought of being able to go back to work, I had a very successful chat with the lovely chap from occupational health this morning - yay!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Drawing on Steamed Up Windows Day!

You'd think there's be lots of steamed up windows to choose from, they may well steam up at some point during the early morning but unfortunately by the time I get to them the steaminess had turned into running water so it's Mopping up Wet Windowsills Day!



Thursday, 8 December 2011

Make it a Double!


And I did!

Tia Maria, in the bath with Christmas book, candles and Christmas music again - bliss!

I needed this as a result of my nerves being shot to pieces over the last couple of days - part of my decorations includes a fantastic Tigger jack in the box which I was lucky enough to pick up years ago.  It has a motion sensor so every time it detects motion it opens (with quite a snap) and out pops Tigger with one of several different phrases before it snaps shut again.  It's in my hallway and everytime I've walked between the front room and kitchen it's made me jump out of my skin!!  I'll get used to it soon, my visitors won't though (bwwaaahaaa (evil laugh))!


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Be Generous

How fitting that I should spend this evening with the always generous Kevin and Ray!

Sausage casserole, red wine, Christmas decorations and the usual scintilating conversation = Happy Heidi!

I have to admit though that I wasn't expecting to be greeted on arrival by Ray telling me to take my kit off (he meant coat lol!!) or for Ray to be massaging my aching back halfway through the evening (don't worry - I'd only taken my coat off!)!

And to top it all of I came home with a jar of onions and a jar of beetroot pickled by Kevin's dad!


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Tie Up Loose Ends Day!

Too many things on the go at once Orange - finish them before you start something else!

This included the final few touches to the decorations, finishing the centrepiece for Kevin and Ray (photos below), finishing the presentation stage for the jewellery (made by moi) for Kevin's neice, finishing North and South Book II, oh, and reading my chuffing meters (a job I dread at the best of times).

And it snowed - a lot!  None of it settled but it was very, very pretty :-)

Still, at least they're all done and now I can move on to Christmas movies again, wrapping presents and writing cards!

Which reminds me................can you believe I put my tree up without the aid (benefit) of a glass (or several) of sherry!  Scandalous behaviour but don't worry, I won't let it happen again and I'll make up for it when I'm wrapping presents!

And here are the promised Christmas decorations pictures!

The fireplace with 'bear scene'

Close up of 'bear scene' (bears building snowman)

Close up of 'bear scene' (bear making snow angel)

Close up of 'bear scene' (bears having snowball fight (this one always takes ages to create!))

My amazing fibre optic village!

The nativity corner

My Christmas snow globe collection

My glass tree

THE tree!

Still THE tree!

The fabulous golden angel I managed to find last year.

Random photo of the bits behind the tree?

The Christmas coffee table (you can just make out the 'in progress' centrepiece for Kevin and Ray on the end!)

My beautiful advent calendar (I put it up every year, it reminds me of a village my very dear friend Michael told me about many years ago)



Monday, 5 December 2011

Squirrel Something Away Day!

Verb 1. squirrel away - save up as for future use
cache, hive up, hoard, lay away, stash
lay aside, save up, save - accumulate money for future use; "He saves half his salary"

My acorns are haemorraging!  And who, please tell me, is in a position to save half their salary?!

Anyway, I've been squirreling things away (not money, obviously) all my life - hoarding seems to come from both sides of the family - just in case, and because I'm sure it'll come in handy one day!  I've had quite a big clear out this year though and I just know that that day will come and I'll discover that I urgently need that very thing that I squireled away.................and it's bound to have been a casualty of the clear out!

I usually like to squirrel away Christmas gifts for folks throughout the year, the pile seems to be getting depressingly smaller each year though - and there are only so many scarves you can knit people!   This is actually the first year in many when I haven't done any knitting at all - you know why don't you?

That's right, I got rid of the balls of wool I hadn't used for years.


Sunday, 4 December 2011

Start Getting Excited About Christmas Day!

Ok, it's possible I may have started a little early with this one!

I actually did this one days ago - I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it!  Most of the decorations are up now in the front room, the tree's up and the snow bear scene is designed, built and lit - now I just need to find my camera (no idea what I've done with it!) and I can take some pictures!  Just a few more bits to do in the front room and then there's my bedroom to decorate.

I've already made a start on my Christmas films - and I've added to the collection ( I know have 34 (well, technically 35, but 2 are different versions of the same film) as my black and white and colourised versions of It's a Wonderful Life have arrived - yay!

I started listening to my Cristmas music radio station some time ago and heard this (for the first time) which I absolutely love!  I'm going to put a couple of versions on here (there's also another version by Bon Jovi and also one by Jet) but my favourite is the Clarence Carter version, closely followed by The Black Crowes.


Saturday, 3 December 2011

It's Friday - yay!

Yay - it's Friday!  Which is just like any other day at the moment, it'll be good to return to normal if only to get the specialness of Friday back!

More catching up today with a visit from Mr Web - with the amount of putting the world to rights that I've done this week it should be all fixed by now!!

Focus on Christmas 'stuff' from this point on!


Friday, 2 December 2011

Playing Catch Up Day!

This one's really been going on all week - in terms of me trying to catch up with myself, all the things I need to do and also friends and family!

Today it was Debbie and Elaine with an after work excursion into town for some more fresh air (my resolution for next week is to get outside EVERY day - we'll see!).  It's really good to be kept in touch with what's happening back at the office in my absence, I'm starting to forget what the place looks like!


Thursday, 1 December 2011

No Rude Words Allowed Day!

Happy moving day Helen and Bill (I suspect there might have been a few rude words during the course of the day!)!

A trip to Auntie Betty's (they've run out of biscuits at work!) pretty much put paid to this one - the woman, in everyday general conversation, swears more than anyone else I know, plus she has the disturbing tendancy to make up her own words using a mish-mash of swear words which generally has Bernie and I looking at each other in confusion and, at the first available opportunity, asking each other "Did she really just say that?"


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Top Notch Tuesday!

I promise I'm not doing it on purpose..................this was another one I spent with Kevin!

A good couple of hours putting the world to rights and getting approval for the Christmas table centrepiece I'm currently making/building for them for Christmas (I'll try and remember to put a photo on before I deliver it!).

Which reminds me, I really need to start thinking about Christmas, writing cards, getting decorations out (and up) buying/wrapping presents etc - all the things I'm usually well on with by now!


And I've even come to a grinding halt with the Christmas book/music/film fest - must try harder!


Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Surprise Someone Day!

The only person I saw today was Helen (thank you for the curtainis!) and I somehow don't think I surprised her in any way!

I did kind of suprise myself by absolutely loving North and South (latest boxset viewing) when I've always resisted it as it never really seemed to appeal - thanks LMS!


Monday, 28 November 2011

Making Tea for Everyone Day!

I didn't make tea for everyone - everyone went out for tea!

It was Bernie's birthday celebration meal so the usual motley crew of us descended on an establishment in town and a good night was had by all! 

I'm still finding it surprsing how tiring everything is and I'm not sure I was up to my usual sparkling wit and conversation (shh - not a word) and still seem to be suffering the occassional 'disconnect' from reality/everything - bizarre.
I also got to see the specialist on Friday so now they're looking into my whole back as they have concerns about the whole area.  Referred back to pyshio again for my back (and now also my neck) so it looks like I'll be starting next year as I started this one!


Sunday, 27 November 2011


(Yes, I'm still posting a few days behind!)

Happy Thanksgiving to The Family Pickering over in Nova Scotia!

Thanks to Paul and Paula I've actually attended a Thanksgiving (last year, when they were a little closer!) and even had Pumpkin Pie - and a lovely experience it was too!

If ever you're in the market for sending online Thanksgiving greetings (or any other for that matter) you can't beat a Jacquie Lawson card (the Christmas ones (especially the ones featuring Chudleigh!) are particularly beautiful)!


Saturday, 26 November 2011

Happy Birthday Bernie Day!

Wednesday 23rd November - Happy b'day B!

I think you (Bernie) might have been born on a Wednesday, I think I was too, and you know what they say about Wednesday's!

It was decided to spend the evening enjoying chinese food and watching all the twilight fillms to catch up prior to seieng the latest release in the near future - happy days :-)


Friday, 25 November 2011

Get Back on Track Day!

Ah ha!  I found a way to know what day it is!  I'd totally forgotten that my incredibly organised (and not recently accessed) 'to do' excel spreadsheet lists all the diary days :-)

So here're all the ones I've missed................

Claim your extra hour in bed (technically I did this - it wasn't in a bed though (I couldn't lie down so slept in a chair for 3 nights/days))

Spooky Monday (sooo disappointed to not be able to go ahead with the party in the fabulously decorated office - I did look a fright though if that counts and shuffling around with my head locked to one side did give me a Frankensteinesque appearance!)

Pluck eyebrows (Yeah, really disappointed to miss this one ;-)

Laugh (I vaguely recall laughing during my wedding hallucination (which occured whilst I was on my knees getting intimately aquainted with the toilet bowl))

Strut your funky stuff day (this was the day I was finally diagnosed - funky stuff indeed!)

Bake a potato, big bang Saturday, oooh and aaah at the fireworks, bob for apples (the original plan was to hit all these at once on Bonfire night, as this was the night I was released from hospital I'm sorry to say that I did none of them!)

Laugh some more (I did laugh (despite the pain) when Bernie was trying to dress me to take me to hospital (I was pretty much immobile by this point) and she put my top on me back to front - I wondered why it felt so tight!)

Enter a competition (and win) day (Yes, ok, let's say that I entered a competition titled 'Be diagnosed wiith a very rare Syndrome (at a ridiculously young age for it) - guess what?  I won!)

Wear lots of colours (wear lots of colours - no, wear lots of pyjamas - yes!)

Curious Friday (For this day I was going to tell you all about my favourite gin - Hendricks! It's an unusual (and curious) gin for extraordinary minds - if you've never tried it I highly recommend that you do! )

A nice relaxing Saturday (No, no, no - the first part was fairly relaxing and was certainly enjoyable.  I had Elaine and Kevin as visitors which was lovely, then I started with a 24 hour stomach bug.  No joke at the best of times but when you're doped up to the eyeballs, can no longer take yours meds due to inability to even keep water down and are trying to throw up without moving your neck it adds a whole new dimension!)

Cheery Tuesday (I do vaguely remember Boss telling me it was Cheery Tuesday but I decided to leave it in his capable hands!)

Telling all my friends how brilliant they are day (now this one I do regret missing, so, if you're fortunate (!) enough to call yourself my friend (and/or familly)..............consider yourself brilliant :-)

Buy Nothing Day (this is most days so I'm having it - so there!)


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Super Sunday!

My Christmas overload last night (Saturday) obviously did the trick as it was a much better morning!

Pops and Olive arrived for a visit in the afternoon and took me for a short walk in the fog (I am definitely developing an addiction like craving for fresh air!) then Pops did his 'Daddy Fix It?' on my radiator in the bathroom :-)

I actually cooked a proper Sunday tea too (the first proper meal since my release (I keep saying release - I mean discharge, sounds much better and less like I was in a mental institution/prison)), steak pie, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings, veg and gravy.  Ok, I admit it - it was all frozen (except the gravy obviously!)and all I had to do was transfer it from the freezer to the oven but it's a start!

Then I went for an action replay of the previous nights Christmas overload with bath, book and film etc.  Believe it or not I actually binned a Christmas movie (Solstice - avoid at all costs) - it was absolutely dire, luckily it was also short so there was plenty of time to watch another one :-)


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Sucky with a Surprising Turn Around Saturday!

Oh dear, not good.  Woke up in a lot of pain and took almost an hour to actually get out of bed (this is always the hardest part of my days at the moment).  I broke my promise to myself (and this is why I don't do promises) and, for the first time in a week, I didn't bother to get dressed and spent the entire day just watching telly :-(

It got to evening and in an effort to, once again, mentally kick myself up the butt I decided to do something guaranteed to make me feel good (and what have I told you about getting your mind out of the gutter?).  On came the Christmas radio station, ran a hot bubble bath, lit candles, dug out my collection of corny Christmas romance books and poured a large Tia Maria.  A little over an hour later I was back on the sofa with a nice cup of tea, some cheese and a Christmas movie - it's a long, long time since I've felt so content!


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Fantastic Friday!

It may be, it may not be (officially) but I'm declaring it so!

I left the house again (steady - this could be habit forming!) to go to the Doctors. thankfully Bernie took me as I'm still not fit to be without adult supervision (in the absence of an appropriate adultt Bernie'll do (sorry Bernie, I stole your line!)).

Another fascinated doctor and another 4 weeks off work but better pain management (no more Heidi off her head!) and hopefully a step closer to seeing the specialist!

Then (why, why, why) a trip to Asda for supplies - this isn't a fit place for anyone at this time on a Friday let alone someone not in full possession of all their faculties!  And all of a sudden I'm reminded of all the reasons I shop online!


Monday, 21 November 2011

Christmas Light Switch On Day!

Yay!  I am free!

Ok, so this (Thursday 17th Nov) was my first trip outside (fresh air, fresh air!) for 3 weeks - Debbie very kindly picked me up and took me into town where we met Elaine and watched the Harrogate Christmas light switch on!  Despite feeling like I was falling over and slurring my speech all the time (there's either still some swelling in my head or it's the after effects of all the drugs) I had a fabulous time!

It also put me in a festive mood so it was time to see if the holiday music radio station was available yet - - if you like Christmas you DO NOT want to miss this radio station!!  Then I watched the first of my 33 Christmas movies!


Saturday, 19 November 2011

I Don't Know What Day It Is Day!

Alas, I am, so far, unable to locate the diary detailng all the days and, as I remain in seclusion at home (and have just been signed off for another 4 weeks), I can't access my Outlook calendar at work (which includes all the diary days) so I have no way of knowing what 'day' it's supposed to be! 

So, until I can be reunited with either the diary or Outlook I'm just going to make it up as I go along :-)

The title of this post could very well have also referred to how I spent my week in hospital (from which I am now having some quite disturbing flashbacks) and my first week back at home.  One of my tablets, or something to do with the combination of tablets I was taking was making me feel very, very out of it (for want of a better description) until I spent the weekend having some sort of 24 hour stomach bug (thank you whichever visitor brought me that!) during which I couldn't even keep down a sip of water (it's also very difficult to throw up when you have difficulty moving your neck lol!). 

This also meant I wasn't able to take any of my many tablets.  Personally I think this actually turned out to be a good thing as the pain is, for the most part, bearable and I'd rather have the pain and be lucid than have no pain but also feel as doped up as I did!  Being off the pills and feeling more human has definitely helped from a psychological and emotional point of view anyway and I feel much more positive than I did!

I'll try not to focus future posts entirely on my ongoing medical marvel but I don't have much to work with at the moment (I haven't been outside for  3 weeks, I've watched a series and a half of Grey's Anatomy, series 2 of Rome, series 4 of The Tudors, series 2 of The Big C and series 2 of Gavin and Stacey - if I start on Jeremy Kyle I'm going back to work no matter what anyone says!) but I'll do my best!


Friday, 18 November 2011

Embrace Cardigans!

This day (Friday 28th Oct) made me realise that I simply don't possess enough cardigans!

I do have this rather fabulous purple creation which Bernie bought me several years ago though so, in the spirit of wearing purple all week, it fit the bill perfectly!


Thursday, 17 November 2011

Wear Purple Day (week)!

(24th - 28th October, luckily I was writing the post as I went along!)

This was a last minute addition (last week) and was initially just supposed to be one day.  Due to various people being on leave on various days this week I was asked to extend it to a whole week!

I started Purple Week with some subtlety (see, I can do subtle if I put my mind to it!) on Monday with just my purple gloves....................

Showed a bit more purple on Tuesday with the addition of the purple scarf, purple stockings and purple jewellery - this was also the day Neil wore his very purple shirt (unfortunately I didn't get a photo).

Wednesday was more purple jewellery (with the gloves and scarf still), different purple stockings and a purple top.  I think I must have been sending out some sort of subliminal message, I was very impressed to see that in one of the offices (in a totally unplanned move) everyone had turned up wearing purple!  In fact there seemed to be an awful lot of purple around across the whole site on Wednesday!

Thursday was Wear Purple Day proper so I went full on purple - everything was purple, including my nails, the only thing that let me down was that I'd neglected to dye my hair purple!

Elaine matched my effort with an outfit entirely in various shades of purple and there were several other hints of purple across the department.

Andy contibuted these Purple Ronnie playing cards and Lyn wore a ring with a purple stone as they weren't able to wear anything purple!

Tomorrow (Friday) will also include some fabulous purpleness but I can't talk about it in this post as it actually fits tomorrow's day too (Embrace Cardigans)!


Friday, 11 November 2011

Not Quite Yet Day!

Just a quickie!

I'm hoping that at some time next week I'll be in a fit state to publish a couple of late posts from the back end of last month - no Halloween post though as I missed it (and I was really, really looking forward to that one!)!

Currently I either feel really sick or really high all the time and can't stand sitting in front of the screen for long so this'll have to do you for now!

As it's just gone 11am on 11th November I'm going to finish with one of my favourite Robert Service poems.

"Where are you going, Young Fellow My Lad,
On this glittering morn of May?"
"I'm going to join the Colours, Dad;
They're looking for men, they say."
"But you're only a boy, Young Fellow My Lad;
You aren't obliged to go."
"I'm seventeen and a quarter, Dad,
And ever so strong, you know."

* * * *

"So you're off to France, Young Fellow My Lad,
And you're looking so fit and bright."
"I'm terribly sorry to leave you, Dad,
But I feel that I'm doing right."
"God bless you and keep you, Young Fellow My Lad,
You're all of my life, you know."
"Don't worry. I'll soon be back, dear Dad,
And I'm awfully proud to go."

* * * *

"Why don't you write, Young Fellow My Lad?
I watch for the post each day;
And I miss you so, and I'm awfully sad,
And it's months since you went away.
And I've had the fire in the parlour lit,
And I'm keeping it burning bright
Till my boy comes home; and here I sit
Into the quiet night.

* * * *

"What is the matter, Young Fellow My Lad?
No letter again to-day.
Why did the postman look so sad,
And sigh as he turned away?
I hear them tell that we've gained new ground,
But a terrible price we've paid:
God grant, my boy, that you're safe and sound;
But oh I'm afraid, afraid."

* * * *

"They've told me the truth, Young Fellow My Lad:
You'll never come back again:
(Oh God! the dreams and the dreams I've had,
and the hopes I've nursed in vain!)
For you passed in the night, Young Fellow My Lad,
And you proved in the cruel test
Of the screaming shell and the battle hell
That my boy was one of the best.

"So you'll live, you'll live, Young Fellow My Lad,
In the gleam of the evening star,
In the wood-note wild and the laugh of the child,
In all sweet things that are.
And you'll never die, my wonderful boy,
While life is noble and true;
For all our beauty and hope and joy
We will owe to our lads like you."


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Crowned Dens Syndrome Day!

I've got quite a few posts to publish from week before last and I'm sure I'll get around to them at some point over the next week.

You may (or may not) have noticed that I have been absent for a little while, unfortunately this is not because I was sunning myself on some beach somewhere or because I was whisked off my feet by a handsome stranger.  Instead I was taking up residence at York hospital for a week where - after 2 MRI's, 2 CT's, 3 lumbar punctures, fluid drip for 48 hours, IV morphine, canulas in both arms and hands to take blood until my veins went into hiding - they discovered that I have a rare condition called Crowned Dens Syndrome.

There are only arouund 35 previously reported cases in English medical literature - the doc's were all fascinated, I just felt like I was in an episode of House!

Anyway, I've now been discharged (with lots of pain medication) and will be at home for at least the next two weeks recovering and getting back to as normal as I can ever hope to be.
In the meantime I'll do my best to catch up on here but please be patient with me!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Practice Your Evil Laugh!

This was quite difficult to do with a sore throat and annoying tickly cough!

There was much laughter today (Boss is on site) and I did get the opportunity to unintentionally laugh in an evil way at one of Boss's predicaments!

The costume's all sorted, decorations are ready to go up and the pumpkin is ready to be carved (this does cause me slight feelings of trepidation!) so I'm confident that, regardless of whether I'm up to scratch with my evil laugh, the Halloween celebrations will be a success!

Watch this space!


Thursday, 27 October 2011

Go Wild Day!

Go Wild Day happened to coincide with Kevin and Ray's visit for pasta bolognese (yes, despite the fact that everytime we've arranged this (a few times since Christmas lat year!) one of us gets ill and we have to reschedule, we finally got around to it!)

The meal went very well (I am ocassionally capable of being a domestic goddess!) and we drank a very appropriate bottle of red wine under the current circumstances, which caused much amusement, and had indoor sparklers!

Ray went wild and fell asleep on the sofa (at times the snoring did sound a little like some sort of wild animal!) but I've been banned from publishing the photo I took!


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Love Your Slippers, They Are Your Friends!

Not always they're not!

I have 4 pairs of slippers, they're graded for warmth so I work my way up as winter progresses!

However, most of the time I don't bother to wear slippers - largely because they make me fall down the stairs!  On the three occassions I've fallen down the stairs in the 20 months since I moved into my flat I've always been wearing slippers.  You see, you might think it's safe to assume that they're called slippers because you can 'slip' them on your feet - I prefer to think that they're called slippers because they can make you 'slip'.

I have to admit that I'm struggling to apply the same logic to shoes which also seem to have a nasty habit of making me fall!


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Big Breakfast Saturday!

Rooting around in the freezer produced some sausages (and I didn't mind at all that they were spicy chilli ones!) and bacon, I already had eggs and the budget just about stretched to a tomato and some mushrooms - which made a big enough breakfast under the circumstances!


Monday, 24 October 2011

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!


I was out of my comfort zone the moment I left the house this morning (Friday) - I'm full of cold and feeling very sorry for myself!

Luckily Elaine (what a star!) gave me a lift home at lunchtime so I got right back in my comfort zone - in my PJ's, on the sofa, under the duvet, Cannonball Run, chicken soup, lucozade and an assortment of drugs!


Friday, 21 October 2011

Feed Some Ducks Day!

Ok, we have occassionally had sheep in the car park, there are always plenty of crows about, I once saw a woodpecker in the tree outside my office window and I've had a close encounter with a fox outside the portacabin. 

DUCKS?  Are you kidding?!

It did make me think of the toy duck I recently took to The Antiques Roadshow - the 'expert' said it was the scariest thing he'd ever seen.  I think he was one of the scariest things I've ever seen!


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Anally Tidy Day!


I am actually very tidy, don't get me wrong - I can make a mess, I just can't live in it for very long!

Anyone who's seen my very thorough Excel To Do List and financial spreadsheets will know that I'm anally tIdy about organising these things if nothing else!


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Do Something You've Never Done Before Day!


Ok, I decided not to plan this one but to just let the day unfold in front of me and see what occured!

I've never before..............................

1) Held twins
2) Been called Boss by my Boss
3) Been given permission to post on a certain work related website (work related matter I hasten to add - not Today Is Going To Be The Best Day Ever related matter!)
4) Received the gift of a bottle of wine in the office (a thank you for the earrings!)


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Give a Present For No Reason Day!

I did this without even realising that it was a day!

On sorting through all my 'crap' in the spare room the other day I came across a pair of Swarovski earrings which had been bought for me as a gift and which I'd never worn (they'd bought the wrong ones!) so I thought I'd stick them on ebay.

Then last week I happened to notice that someone at work has the matching bracelet so I thought I'd pass them on to her instead - she was chuffed, it's one less thing for me to put on ebay and I'd rather they went to someone who already had the matching item, so everyone's happy!!


Friday, 14 October 2011

Crunch in the Leaves!

I've done this one every day this month on the way to and from work - I have to admit that I do love this time of year and do take a guilty pleasure from waiting until there are no cars in sight and then jumping and kicking about in all the leaves.  I do sometimes wonder whether anyone's actually taken the trouble to sweep them all up into the piles that I plough through on a daily basis.............but never enough to stop me doing it!


Thursday, 13 October 2011

Making Waves Wednesday!

Does it count in the bath? Or that I almost needed to swim to work this morning?!

I think this is another one that needs to be included with 'Paddle in the Sea' and 'Sand Between my Toes' - at this rate I'll need a week at the seaside!

Ooooh, ooooh, oooh, we could have 'Sand Sculpture Day', 'Eating Food That You Should Only Ever Eat With Your Eyes Closed Day', 'Playing 2p Slot Machine Things Until Your Fingers Turn Black Day'............. the possibilities are endless!


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Blow Bubbles Day!

Ooops, I think this may have been one of the days that I'd moved and I somehow forgot to remove the original from my diary!

So, here we go again!

More bubbles in the office, my office carpet seems to have some sort of anti-bubble coating as they all burst on contact yet they sit for ages on the floor in other offices!  I'm starting to wonder whether Boss has requested some sort of wipe-clean coating on my carpet - in case of accidents!  No, I don't mean that kind of accident!


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tell Someone You Like What They Did With Their Hair!


Ok, I had a plan for this one, I really did!

Initially I was planning to wake up and tell Bernie, John, Pops and Olive that I was liking what they'd done with their hair..........however, due to car problems, I was unable to join them for the weekend.

Not to worry, I had a back-up plan - Ray was getting his hair cut on Friday and as I knew in advance exactly what it would look like on Sunday I had planned to text him to let him know that I liked what he'd done with his hair!  Unfortunately I totally forgot all about it!

I myself do regularly suffer from bad 'bed-head' though and wake up (it's rare but it does occassionally happen) and, on glancing at myself  in the mirror, am reminded of that advert (I can't remember what it's for) where some sort of yeti type thing drags some poor sod out of bed and bounces them around by their feet in the middle of the night.  It's no wonder I wake up tired every morning if that's what's going on every night!


Monday, 10 October 2011

Flirt to the Maximum Day!

There wasn't too much opportunity for this one during the day - breaking down on the way to Preston pretty much put paid to that!

I more than made up for it in the evening though whilst having a few glasses of 'pop' in town - it's possible though that the least said about it the better ;-)


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sand Between My Toes Day!

Despite the fact that my office is kitted out 'Hawaii Style' (and I regularly wander around barefoot) there wasn't a grain of sand in sight!

I actually can't remember the last time I went to the seaside - I think next year I need to combine 'Paddle in the Sea' and 'Sand Between My Toes Day' and get myself there!


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Another Magic Monday and Duvet Day II

Ooops, I took my eye off the ball again!

I realised last night (Monday) that these two had slipped under the radar and I'd neglected to plan anything for the 'day' - who in their right mind schedules a duvet day for a Monday (this is acceptable ONLY if you've thought to book the day off work - which can only happen if you've remembered about it!)

Anyway, as I realised that it was Another Magic Monday and Duvet Day II I just happened to be lying in bed under the duvet reading The Magician's Gambit...................

Nice save!


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Paddle in the Sea Day!

As there's no sea in walking distance of me I wasn't able to go paddling I'm afraid!

I was, however, knee deep and wading in spare room crap - I don't think that really counts though!

Given the fact that it was so beautiful outside it does seem criminal that I spent the day ensconced upstairs but I've got to the stage where I'm so peed off at myself for putting it off for so long that, having made the decision to sort it this weekend, I just had to do it!


Monday, 3 October 2011

Hotter than Hawaii Day!

Someone said to me that over the next few days it was going to be hotter than Hawaii and it struck a chord so..........welcome to Hotter Than Hawaii Day!

I just happened to have a collection of tropical 'stuff' (the majority of which was kindly donated by Broadie!) to decorate the office with (I'd been planning to recreate Jamaica in my front room for someone at some point but it's no longer required for that purpose so I thought I might as well get some use out of it!) so I stayed behind on Thursday and transformed the place!

I couldn't take enough photos to do it justice so here's my first attempt at putting a video on here..........

I even made a grass skirt out of a table decoration, provided leis and played hawaiian music, Debbie made Banana cake and Elaine made cocktails (non-alcoholic of course!)!

Happy days!


Friday, 30 September 2011

Invite Someone for Tea!

Yes, I have to admit that I was tempted to pluck some poor unsuspecting stranger off the streets and drag them in for tea!

I wussed out though and invited Bernie round instead - then I cheated by ordering a take away rather than making tea.  Although, in my defense, it didn't actually specify that I had to make tea - in fact, it didn't even specify that it had to be food, it could have meant a cup of tea!


Thursday, 29 September 2011

Be Naughty Day!

I'm terribly disappointed - I didn't get much opportunity to be really naughty!

I did feel rather mischevious all day and I was told off by several people (surely getting told off means I've been naughty in some way?!) for the, now daily, chocolate marshmallow teacake run I made this morning!  Unfortunately I'm starting to get quite a collection of these in the office now and they just keep on coming (courtesy of Auntie Betty) so I've had no choice but to start distributing them to everyone in the offices (or forcing them on people in some cases!) rather than just leaving them out for everyone to help themselves, in an effort to prevent them taking over the office!

I have just been reminded of a poem my mum used to say though..................

I think the original version was this......

There once was a girl who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good she was very, very good
And when she was bad she was horrid

And I actually can't remember whether my mum used to say this version or whether it's just me......

There once was a girl who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good she was very, very good
And when she was bad she was better!


Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Wear Hats!

I turned this one into a two day event!

One day to try hats on (and add to my collection) and one day to take all my hats to work and wear them (and encourage others to wear them!)!

Monday was trying on day, Nadine was visiting so we went on a mission to town to find hats.  We both have very small heads (Bernie calls me Pinhead), which probably isn't a bad thing as there were several I would have bought if they hadn't been far too big - it was great fun trying them all on though!

So, I ended up with this one, which I thought would be good for Autumn............

Nadine tried this headband hat thing on - I thought it looked fabulous on her but she wasn't convinced!

And, of course, I couldn't resist this one - and the matching gloves!

Pirate Panda!  You can't see it on the photo but the eyepatch on the hat has a glittery sequined purple heart on it - I can't wait for a an opportunity to wear it out with friends ;-)

Well done Elaine for wearing your straw boater!
